Today we honor our mothers, those women who have given us life and so much love. We thank God for them. We ask God to bless them and strengthen them, and we pray for our mothers who have died, that God will bring them into the joy of his kingdom.
Mary is the Mother of God and the Mother of the Church, which means that she is our mother. She was Jesus’ mother and his most faithful disciple and she has been crowned as Queen of Heaven by Jesus, the King. During the month of May we honor our Mother Mary and ask her to help us. We know that while on earth she interceded for others. In the upper room on Pentecost she prayed with the disciples and the Holy Spirit was poured out on the Church. We praise the Lord for giving us Mary as our Mother and Queen and we pray: “Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.”